Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How to create scriptaculous ajax inplace editor fields in Rails3 with validation

First, we should do our html view in app/views/ips/index.html:

<div id="ips_table_div">
<%= render "ips_table" %>

Then, we create the table and the javascript code in our partial view (app/views/ips/_ips_table.html.erb).

<table cellpadding="10"><tbody>

<% unless @ips.nil? %>


			<td id="ip_new_ip_td_div">
				<%= form_tag url_for(:controller => :ips,
							:action	=> :create_ip),
						:remote => true,
						:id 	=> "new_ip" %>
						<%= text_field_tag "ip" %>
						<%= submit_tag t(:add_button, :scope => [:application]), :id => "new_ip_submit" %>



	<% @ips.each do |ip| %>

			<td id="ip_ip_td_div_<%=ip.id %>">
				<div id="ip_ip_text_div_<%=ip.id %>"><%= ip.ip %></div>

				<%= link_to t(:delete_link, :scope => [:application]),
 								url_for(:controller => :ips,
									:action	=> :delete_ip,
									:id 	=> ip.id),
								:remote => true,
								:confirm => t(:ip_delete_confirm, :scope => [:application])%>

	<% end %>

<% end %>


<script type="text/javascript">
var ip_validate_background_color_error = "#fff999";
var ip_validate_border_color_error = "#f80000";
var ip_validate_background_color = "#ffffff";
var ip_validate_border_color = "#999999";

var ipModifyFormOptions= $H({
		cancelText:'<%=t :cancel_link, :scope => [:application] %>',
		okText: 'ok',
		savingText: '<%=t :saving_text, :scope => [:application] %>',
		loadingText: '<%=t :loading_text, :scope => [:application] %>',
		clickToEditText: '<%=t :click_to_edit_text, :scope => [:application] %>',

<% unless @ips.nil? %>

Form.findFirstElement('new_ip').style.borderColor = ip_validate_border_color;
Form.findFirstElement('new_ip').style.backgroundColor = ip_validate_background_color;
Form.findFirstElement('new_ip').setAttribute("onkeypress","return input_filter_exact(event, 'ip')");
new Form.Observer('new_ip', 0.3, function(form, value) {
		if(validateIpAddress(Form.findFirstElement('new_ip').value, false) == true) {
				Form.findFirstElement('new_ip').style.borderColor = ip_validate_border_color;
				Form.findFirstElement('new_ip').style.backgroundColor = ip_validate_background_color;
		}	else {
				Form.findFirstElement('new_ip').style.borderColor = ip_validate_border_color_error;
				Form.findFirstElement('new_ip').style.backgroundColor = ip_validate_background_color_error;

	<% @ips.each do |ip| %>

new Ajax.InPlaceEditor('ip_ip_text_div_<%=ip.id %>', '<%= url_for :controller => :ips, :action => :modify_ip, :id => ip.id	%>', ipModifyFormOptions.merge({
	formId: 'ip_ip_form_<%=ip.id %>',
	onEnterEditMode: function(form, value) {
			setTimeout(function() {
					Form.findFirstElement('ip_ip_form_<%=ip.id %>').style.borderColor = ip_validate_border_color;
					Form.findFirstElement('ip_ip_form_<%=ip.id %>').style.backgroundColor = ip_validate_background_color;
					Form.findFirstElement('ip_ip_form_<%=ip.id %>').setAttribute("onkeypress","return input_filter_exact(event, 'ip')");
					new Form.Observer('ip_ip_form_<%=ip.id %>', 0.3, function(form, value) {
						if(validateIpAddress(Form.findFirstElement('ip_ip_form_<%=ip.id %>').value, false) == true) {
							Form.findFirstElement('ip_ip_form_<%=ip.id %>').style.borderColor = ip_validate_border_color;
							Form.findFirstElement('ip_ip_form_<%=ip.id %>').style.backgroundColor = ip_validate_background_color;
							$('ip_ip_form_<%=ip.id %>').elements[1].disabled=false;
						}	else {
							Form.findFirstElement('ip_ip_form_<%=ip.id %>').style.borderColor = ip_validate_border_color_error;
							Form.findFirstElement('ip_ip_form_<%=ip.id %>').style.backgroundColor = ip_validate_background_color_error;
							$('ip_ip_form_<%=ip.id %>').elements[1].disabled=true;
			}, 1000);

	<% end %>

<% end %>

Then we should make the controller (app/controllers/ips_controller.rb):

respond_to :js, :only => [:delete_ip, :create_ip]
respond_to :html, :except => [:delete_ip, :create_ip]
layout :application, :except => [:delete_ip, :create:ip, :modify_ip]
layout false, :only => [:delete_ip, :create:ip, :modify_ip]

def index

def delete_ip
  # it will returns a javascript code by default, so have to do the
  # app/views/ips/delete_ip.js.erb, what will loads the table completely

def create_ip
  # it will returns a javascript code, so have to do the
  # app/views/ips/create_ip.js.erb, what will loads the table completely

def modify_ip
  ip.update_attribute(:ip, params[:value])
  # don't forget some validations here also
  # it will returns a html code, so have to do the
  # app/views/ips/modify_ip.html.erb, what will contains the new text only, or:
  respond_to do |format|
    format.html { render :text => ip.ip }

Then we can create returned javascript codes app/views/ips/create_ip.js.erb and delete_ip.js.erb:

  $("ips_table_div").update("<%=escape_javascript(render(:template => "/ips/_ips_table.html.erb", :locals => {:ips => @ips})) %>"); 

Finally we must define javascipt validation functions in public/apllication.js:

function validateIpAddress(value, can_be_empty) {
    if (arguments.length == 1) {
        can_be_empty = false;
    if (can_be_empty == true) {
        if (value == null) {
            return false;
        if (value == "") {
            return true;
    if (value.match(/\b(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\b/))
        if (value.length>0 && value.length<256)
            return true;
            return false;
        return false; 

function input_filter_exact(e, type) {
    var enabled_chars;    
    switch (type)
            case "ip": enabled_chars="0123456789.";
            default: enabled_chars="-/.,_?[]()!abcdefghijklmnopqrstvuwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVUWXYZ0123456789éáőúűóüöíÉÁŐÚÓÜÖÍ ";
    var key;
  var keychar;
    if (window.event)
        key = window.event.keyCode;
  else if (e)
        key = e.which;
        return true;
    keychar = String.fromCharCode(key);
    if ((key==null) || (key==0) || (key==8) || (key==9) || (key==13) || (key==27) )
        return true;
    else if (((enabled_chars).indexOf(keychar) > -1))
        return true;
    return false;

That's all. Works with Rails 3.0.9, Prototype 1.7 and script.aculo.us v1.8.3


  1. Thanks for post, but it seems too hard to implement and have much custom javascript and lots of non-restful actions in controller


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