Then require one of the jQuery UI theme into app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
*= require_self *= require_tree . *= require_style *= require jquery-ui/ui-lightness */
//= require jquery //= require jquery_ujs //= require jquery-ui //= require_tree .
Our controller responds json object in apps/controllers/accounts_controller.rb
def search_account @accounts=Account.where("LOWER(name) LIKE ?", "%#{params[:name].downcase}%").limit(params[:maxRows]).order(:name) respond_to do |format| format.json {render :json => @accounts} end end
I've created a helper for input element app/helpers/application_helper.rb
(Take care of heredoc strings.)
def autocomplete_input(attributes={}) #*need* object: this form's object : "person" #*need* instance: searcheable object : 'account' # instance_key: primary key of this instance : 'account_id' # value: original or default value for instance : 'Yahoo Corp.' # value_key: original or default value for instance_key: 252 #*need* ajax_url: remote url for ajax call without format: url_for(:controller=> :accounts, :action=> :search, :id=>'all') # ajax_query_additional_params (Array): ["maxRows: 7", "anything :20"] #*need* ajax_query_searchable_param Object's string (String): "name" ( #*need* ajax_query_searchable_param_key Object's foreign key (String): "id" ( # min_length minimal chars to start searching: 2 if attributes.nil? then return false end if attributes.empty? then return false end object=attributes[:object] instance=attributes[:instance] if object.nil? or instance.nil? then return false end object=object.to_s.downcase instance=instance.to_s.downcase instance_key=attributes[:instance_key] || instance + "_id" value=attributes[:value] || "" value_key=attributes[:value_key] || "" value_key_html="" unless value_key.to_s.empty? then value_key_html=" value=\""+value_key.to_s+"\"" end ajax_url=attributes[:ajax_url] ajax_query_additional_params=attributes[:ajax_query_additional_params] || "" ajax_query_searchable_param=attributes[:ajax_query_searchable_param] || "name" ajax_query_searchable_param_key=attributes[:ajax_query_searchable_param_key] || "id" min_length=attributes[:min_length] || 2 ajax_query_additional_params_formatted="" unless ajax_query_additional_params.nil? then case ajax_query_additional_params when Array then i=0 ajax_query_additional_params.each do |aqap| if i==0 then ajax_query_additional_params_formatted=ajax_query_additional_params_formatted + aqap.to_s else ajax_query_additional_params_formatted=ajax_query_additional_params_formatted + ",\n" + aqap.to_s end end when String then ajax_query_additional_params_formatted=ajax_query_additional_params when Hash then i=0 ajax_query_additional_params.each do |aqap_key,aqap_value| if i==0 then ajax_query_additional_params_formatted=ajax_query_additional_params_formatted + aqap_key.to_s + ": " + aqap_value.to_s else ajax_query_additional_params_formatted=ajax_query_additional_params_formatted + ",\n" + aqap_key.to_s + ": " + aqap_value.to_s end end end end jquery_request_data_params="data: {\n" unless ajax_query_additional_params_formatted.empty? then jquery_request_data_params=jquery_request_data_params + ajax_query_additional_params_formatted + ",\n" end jquery_request_data_params=jquery_request_data_params + "#{ajax_query_searchable_param}: request.term\n}," search_field_id="search_#{object}_#{instance}" value_div_id="#{object}_#{instance}_log" hidden_field_id="#{object}_#{instance_key}" hidden_field_name="#{object}[#{instance_key}]" function_log_name="log_#{object}_#{instance}" html_text = <<HTML1 <table><tbody><tr> <td><input id="#{search_field_id}" class="ui-autocomplete-input"/></td> <td><div id="#{value_div_id}" class="ui-widget-content">#{value}</div></td> </tr></tbody></table> <input type="hidden" id="#{hidden_field_id}" name="#{hidden_field_name}" #{value_key_html} > HTML1 js_text = <<JS1 $(function() { function #{function_log_name}( label, id ) { $( "##{value_div_id}" ).html(label); $( "##{hidden_field_id}").val(id); } $( "##{search_field_id}" ).autocomplete({ source: function( request, response ) { $.ajax({ url: "#{ajax_url}.json", dataType: "json", #{jquery_request_data_params} success: function( data ) { response( $.map( data, function( item ) { return { label: item.#{ajax_query_searchable_param}, value: item.#{ajax_query_searchable_param}, id: item.#{ajax_query_searchable_param_key} } })); } }); }, minLength: #{min_length}, select: function( event, ui ) { if (ui.item) { #{function_log_name}( ui.item.value, ); } else { #{function_log_name}( this.value, this.value ); } }, open: function() { $( this ).removeClass( "ui-corner-all" ).addClass( "ui-corner-top" ); }, close: function() { $( this ).removeClass( "ui-corner-top" ).addClass( "ui-corner-all" ); } }); }); JS1 concat(raw(javascript_tag(js_text))) concat(raw(html_text)) end
Finally insert autocomplete element in _form.htm.erb
<div class="ui-widget"> <label for="search_account">Account:</label><br /> <% autocomplete_input(:object => "person", :instance => "account", :instance_key => "account_id", :value => ( unless @person.account.nil?), :value_key => @person.account_id, :ajax_url => url_for(:controller => 'accounts', :action => 'search_account', :id => 'all'), :ajax_query_additional_params => {:maxRows => 7}, :ajax_query_searchable_param => "name", :ajax_query_searchable_param_key => "id", :min_length => 2 )%> </div> </div>
Works with Rails 3.2 and jQuery JavaScript Library v1.7.1. Good luck! Questions?
Great Article! Thanks for sharing this information.
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