First, we need to create our own gem file structure:
- jsvalidator
- lib
- jsvalidator.js.erb- jsvalidator.gemspec
- jsvalidator.rb
Then we edit the jsvalidator.gemspec file which is in jsvalidator directory have been created. do |spec| = 'jsvalidator' spec.version ='0.0.1' spec.files = ["lib/jsvalidator.js.erb", "lib/jsvalidator.rb"] spec.summary = "Javascript form validator for rails3 with javascript." = 'Programmer' = '' spec.homepage = '' spec.has_rdoc = false end
We create our class structure in jsvalidator.rb file. You can install erubis gem with "gem install erubis" command.
require 'rubygems' require 'active_support' require 'erubis' class Jsvalidator # define a form object attr_accessor :form def form return @form end # now we don't initialize anything, but you can set initial values in this block def initialize end # we create a function to define our form, what is now an another object class defined later def define_form(attributes={}) @form=f if f end # jsvalidator_helper is a function, we will call using Jsvalidator class def jsvalidator_helper # __FILE__ is the path where the this rb file is path=File.dirname(__FILE__) template_path=File.join(path, 'jsvalidator.js.erb') # we can give objects to javascript template like @jsvalidator, what is self in this case, # beacuse now we work with Jsvalidator class only vars={ '@jsvalidator' => self } # so read the javascript template template= # Erubis can execute inline ruby expressions with objects (formed like: <%= @jsvalidator.any %>) # then we create return string javascript="" return javascript end #end of Jsvalidator class end # then we must define our Form class class Form < Jsvalidator # You can create any object in it, now we use only attr_accessor :id def initialize(attributes={}) @id=attributes[:id] end endIn this file we should create our model, or data structure, we will use at jsvalidator.html.erb in another function of course. Then, we edit the jsvalidator.js.erb file. In this file we define our javascript code, but remember, this is a template, so you can use ruby expressions like: <%= @jsvalidator.anything %>, but first you must define objects in Form class. Now we use only.
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() { new Form.Observer("<%= %>", 0.3, function(form, value) { // now we got form values in one single url-formed linein value javascript variable // so we create an array of key and value pairs in textArray var textArray=unescape(value).split("&"); var i=0; for(i=0; i<(textArray.length); i++) { // then, you can see all elements within a for loop // now textArray[i] is one line like: "form_element_name=form_element_value" value_line_with_equal_sign=textArray[i]; value_name=""; value_value=""; value_name=value_line_with_equal_sign.split("=",2)[0]; value_value=value_line_with_equal_sign.split("=",2)[1]; // now you can check all of form values in this loop, value_name is the form element name // value_value is form element's value // probably you must give form elements to Form class } } }
After then, you can build your gem file at jsvalidator directory at command line:
gem build jsvalidator.gemspec
and install:
sudo gem install jsvalidator
Then edit your Gemfile, what is located at your rails3 application's directory, and insert this line with your real path:
gem 'jsvalidator', :path = "/home/user/gems/jsvalidator", :require = "jsvalidator"Then type command line:
bundler update
If you don't want to create a working gem because of developing, you can just simply add to your application_controller.rb file this line with your path:
require '/home/user/gems/jsvalidator/lib/jsvalidator.rb'
Now at your view file, you just simply call helper like this:
<% %> <% @jsvalidator.define_form( :id => "your_form_id" ) %> <%= raw @jsvalidator.jsvalidator_helper %>That's all.
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